Monday 28 January 2013

Midwives, Fob watches.........

This picture was taken during a normal ward round where Angela walks around the Maternity ward checking on the new mums and babies to see if they need any help and support.

Angela's ward round with spectators.

Angela has stopped to give help to a woman having breast feeding problems. To achieve this there should be 3 people around the bed ie Angela, Interrupter and Lisa, a visiting midwife from the UK.
However there are eleven people, as Cambodians are very curious and like to stand and stare at anything happening especially when it involves a foreigner. Soon after I took this pic a man wearing a motorbike helmet wondered in and he stood to look and listen still wearing the helmet.

Midwives wearing their new fob watches.
The members of Soroptimist International, Rishton and Great Harwood, sent Fob watches, hand gels, and tiny knitted cardigans and hats to Cambodia to improve the care in Stung Treng hospital. Here the midwives  have been given the watches by Angela. Prior to this they used their mobile phones to time any checks they did on mothers and babies.
 The knitted cardigans and hats were quickly put to use as many mothers do not have clothes to dress their new born babies in , and although it is very hot in Cambodia, they still need covering to keep warm in the early days.



  1. Thank you - sometimes it is the extraordinarily simple things that make a difference - well done the person/s who clocked the timing routine and the person/s who connected the observation to fob watches. Genius ;)

  2. Consortium to build cable system connecting Indonesia and Philippines with US

    Well-known digital marketing agency, A consortium consisting of seven telecommunications companies have revealed plan to build underwater cable system linking Indonesia and the Philippines with the United States.
    As planned, the Southeast Asia-United States (SEA-US) cable system will make a connection between Manado in Indonesia and Davao in the Philippines with Guam via the first independent segment and Guam, Hawaii and Los Angeles in the second segment.
    The consortium will operate SEA-US, including PT. Telekomunikasi Indonesia International (Telin), Globe Telecom in the Philippines, US-based RAM Telecom International (RTI), Hawaiian Telcom, GTI Corporation, Telkom USA and GTA in Guam. The cable system will be supplied by NEC Corp. and work is expected to be completed in the fourth quarter of 2016.
